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TV Show

GreenBiz with Marco Columbro

aired on SKY

(full episode)




immagine whatsapp 2024-10-16 ore 12.20.47_cb890d87.jpeg
Feature    Value
Filter height    50 cm
Extractor height    44 cm
Total height    94 cm
Filter depth    56 cm
Width    62 cm
Cold water supply    1/2"
Condensate drain to sewer    1"
Inlet diameter    Ø 150 mm
Outlet diameter    Ø 140-150 mm


Filter height50 cm
Extractor height44 cm
Total height94 cm
Filter depth56 cm
Width62 cm
Cold water supply1/2"
Condensate drain to sewer1"
Inlet diameterØ 150 mm
Outlet diameterØ 140-150 mm

Technical Data Sheet

User Manual




Code. INOX.4.EBR280






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Reg. of companies of Pesaro  N. REA - PS – 196574

- Soot Scrubbers​

​- Hoods without Chimney

- Water-operated Hood 

​- Scrubbers for Wood-fired Ovens

- Scrubbers for Electric Ovens

- Scrubbers for Charcoal Grills

- Ozone Generators​

- Filters for Kitchen Hoods

- Stainless Steel Exhaust Fans

- Active Carbon Purifiers​

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- Arturo Purifier

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soot scrubbers for biomass boilers soot scrubbers for biomass boilers AnconaJTdCJTIyaXQlMjIlM0ElMjJjYW5uZSUyMGZ1bWFyaWUlMjBuJTIwYWNjaWFpbyUyMGlub3glMjAlMjIlMkMlMjJlcyUyMiUzQSUyMlVOSSUyMDcxMjklMkYwOCUyMCVFMiU4MCU5MyUyMFVOSSUyMDExMjc4JTIyJTdEsoot reducers for wood-fired oven in Riminihood without chimneyArturo hood without chimney


UNI 7129/08 – UNI 11278 




The recent technical regulations UNI 7129/08 – UNI 11278 stipulate that for the construction of chimneys and ducts for the EXHAUST OF KITCHEN HOOD VAPORS, only materials certified according to UNI EN 1443 (metallic) – UNI EN 14471 (plastic) should be used, thus CE certified suitable for use as "chimneys – flues – ducted smoke conduits" in all respects.


Therefore, the products historically used such as: PVC pipes, galvanized spiral pipes, AISI 304 stainless steel pipes, are deemed NOT SUITABLE from the date of issuance of the standards.

In case existing flue systems or technical ducts are used, it is necessary to reline them, as indicated in the UNI 10845 standard specific for the rehabilitation and "relining" of old chimneys.

Below we summarize the minimum technical and morphological requirements that must be met:

For each type of installation, materials declared suitable for the intended use and compliant with applicable standards must be chosen and used, in compliance with current legislation:


  • be made of materials suitable to withstand normal mechanical stresses over time
  • W certified - moisture resistant
  • T80 certified - resistant to temperature tests of 120°C
  • have a predominantly vertical course and be free of constrictions throughout its length
  • be distanced from heat sources that could damage it
  • be equipped at the top with a terminal that prevents the penetration of water, snow, or foreign bodies (e.g., animals)
  • be CERTIFIED sealed according to operating pressures: N1= 40Pa (negative pressure) P1= 200 Pa (positive pressure)
  • be equipped with a chamber for collecting any foreign bodies and/or condensates
  • ensure the correct evacuation of cooking vapors in all weather conditions (if an electric extractor is used, correct evacuation must be guaranteed even in the event of accidental failure of the same) it is not allowed to channel cooking vapors and combustion products of type B or type C appliances and even condensation into the same duct


The creation of collective cooking vapor exhaust systems is allowed under the following conditions:

  • operation under positive pressure is prohibited; hoods connected to electric fans are categorically excluded
  • the collective duct, serving multiple cooking appliances installed on different floors of the building, must be branched with "T" entries complete with a collection chamber.
  • the maximum number of appliances that a Branched Collective Flue can connect is 6 floors (UNI 10640)
  • we remind the importance for the correct discharge of combustion products of type A appliances, to create one or more ventilation openings as indicated in 7129-2
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The growing intolerance of users to bad kitchen odors and the perception of polluting fumes and vapors tends to increase condominium and neighborhood disputes with consequent frequent post-installation disputes.


It is therefore recommended that operators strictly adhere to the outlet quotas and the evacuation of fumes

and vapors above the roof.

For those who want to delve deeper...


The UNI regulations for smoke management

and cooking vapors.


Source: Azienda USL 5 di Pisa

– Prevention Department Functional Unit Public Hygiene

   and Nutrition.

The specific regulations applicable to the hygiene of food products, Reg CE 852/2004, do not provide indications regarding the obligation to install systems for capturing and removing cooking fumes and vapors. The cited regulation, in any case, establishes that conditions should not be created that favor the formation of condensation and/or mold (Annex II, Chapter 1, point 2, letter b); furthermore, regarding mechanical ventilation systems, if present, conditions that cause mechanical air flows from a contaminated area to a clean area must be avoided (Annex II, Chapter 1, point 5). In many cases, the series of standards represented by UNI 7129 and 7130, mentioned below, are also applicable.


In general, the following types of systems can be configured:


1) Gas-powered cooktops (natural gas or LPG, from the network or with cylinders): in this case, the relevant technical standard may be represented by the series of UNI 7129 and 7130 standards, directly applicable for thermal outputs not exceeding 35 Kw (30,000 Kcal/h).

In this case, it is always necessary to provide systems for extracting cooking fumes and their removal to the outside, by means of:

A) extractor hood and connected smoke duct, with forced or natural extraction;

B) alternatively, with a wall-mounted fan, installed directly on the wall or the fixture of the room;

C) in the case of thermal capacities exceeding 35 kW, the D.M. Ministry of the Interior of 12-04-1996 applies, with specific technical and dimensional requirements;

2) electric cooktops (induction, resistance, etc).

For these equipments, there is no applicable technical regulation that imposes the obligation to capture and evacuate cooking fumes to the outside. In this configuration, therefore, the prescriptive constraint of capturing and removing cooking fumes would not be applicable; however, if local regulations require it, a specific system for capturing and evacuating cooking fumes must be provided; in any case, the "cooking" phase results in the emission of fumes and vapors that must be captured and evacuated outside the preparation area;

3)  electric convection ovens, microwave ovens, resistance ovens.

They can be traced back to the type identified in point 2) regarding the possibility of capture;

in particular for ventilated times,

the technical documentation provided by the manufacturer must always be verified, c

it establishes the possible methods by which cooking fumes must be removed;

if the builder foresees the need for the capture and removal of cooking fumes, the relevant evacuation system must be provided;


4) wood-fired ovens, barbecues and similar, with direct or indirect cooking, depending on whether the fuel is placed in the cooking chamber or with a combustion chamber separate from the cooking chamber;

In this case, the technical regulation for systems up to 35 kW is represented by UNI 10683:2005,

which always requires the channeling of combustion fumes to the roof,with terminal characteristics and clearance zones depending on the type of roof present (sloped or flat roof).


Within the scope of applicable regulations, the case history must take into account what is possibly provided by local building regulations,

hygiene, urban, etc, which could identify specific constraints for emissions from cooktops in general.


Where provided by local regulations, the capture and removal of fumes must be arranged, with flues or chimneys, according to the technical and dimensional criteria referred to in the regulations.

Within the same regulations, it could also be provided not only for external removal (direct wall discharge) but also for evacuation beyond the roof of the fumes, with different height and clearance zones depending on various local constraints.

In addition to the part specifically regulated by local regulations, other technical standards may apply, which are mandatory depending on the type of cooktop and the type of fuel used.



Technological evolution has enabled the development of various cooking fume treatment systems, in some cases specifically aimed at a precise product, where emissions are subjected to filtration and reduction of odors, grease, and any unburned particles.

Such systems are particularly proposed when it is not possible to vent the fumes to the roof due to issues related to the building's configuration, architectural protection aspects of the building, or the objective impossibility of obtaining possible authorization from other condominium owners.

The subject is extensively and comprehensively covered by the "Operational Guide for the Prevention of Vapors and Smoke from Combustion in Living Environments" of the Tuscany Region, 2012 edition.

The technical document represents and examines the technical conditions for the implementation of this type of installation, with all the constraints related to this particular mode of intervention.

In general,


The technical reference for this flue gas treatment line is represented by the standard UNI EN 13779:2008, which allows direct wall discharge of flue gases only if the emission resulting from cooking is downgraded from EHA4 to EHA2, through filtration and pollutant reduction.

Paragraph III.2.2 contains all the technical information related to the main flue gas abatement systems;

It is emphasized that the choice of setting up dedicated plant systems for flue gas treatment involves a significant commitment not only in terms of the initial purchase cost but also for ongoing maintenance,

as the manufacturer outlines methods, interventions, and timing with which the system itself must be subjected to filter cleaning, part replacement, any functionality checks, etc.

This condition must be strictly adhered to and demonstrated by conductors, with documentation proving the interventions carried out; it therefore appears obvious that this choice is more demanding compared to setting up a direct evacuation system to the roof.



The described regulatory architecture, complex and articulated, must be combined with a careful revision of municipal regulations.

In the case of requests for exemption from venting cooking fumes to the roof, where provided by local regulations, first and foremost, the competent municipal offices should foresee the possibility of exempting from this obligation, in case of proven impossibility to conduct the fumes beyond the roof.


Only in this case, it will be possible to analyze the possibility of replacing the roof evacuation with direct wall discharge after treatment and reduction of fumes, according to the technical criteria referred to in chapter 3.


Regardless of the type of intake and expulsion adopted,

when on-site inspection reveals evidence of mold presence, and condensation attributable to ineffective management of vapors and cooking fumes, prescriptive measures will be adopted to implement suitable smoke evacuation systems or improve existing ones.

It highlights that the situations that may arise in practice are sometimes immediately coincident or clearly in contrast with municipal regulations;

these guidelines are mainly intended to indicate, however, how in certain occasions the use of more recent and advanced special technologies, can still ensure full compliance with the health content of regulatory standards.

It is, however, important to emphasize how a situation that may be acceptable due to the absence of health risks, does not exclude and does not absorb the concept of normal tolerability and the respect for the interests of third parties, which will be borne exclusively by the operators of the plants in question.

Finally, it is reiterated that the proper management of vapors must be associated with the proper management of odors, which must be confined to the preparation area only.